At the Keukenhof in the Netherlands we have won a very nice price. With our beautiful Ranunculus Butterfly™ Lycia® we won the first price in the category ‘Specialty Bulbs for Cut 2019’! And we are of course extremely proud of this achievement!

It was once more the confirmation that we have a very special product on our hands. A beautiful recognition for us! Click below on ‘read more’ for more pictures of our Ranunculus at the Keukenhof.

Have a look at our beautiful Ranunculus varieties on the product pages of the Ranunculus Butterfly™ and Ranunculus Romance™.
Feel free to contact us if you have questions about or are interested in one of these series!
- Monarch Flowers
M: +31 (0)224 590 173
E: - Gert-Jan Jungerius
M: +31 (0)6 28 90 68 99