In Krasnodar (Russia) and Kiev (Ukraine) the florists were really enthusiastic about our Ranunculus during the Flower Circus Shows. And during the last show in London, our products again stole the show. For that event we also delivered some of our beautiful flowers. Again, everything looked amazing!
This time the Flower Circus Show was held at FleuraMetz London (FML). And all the florists were especially really enthusiastic about our Ranunculus Butterfly. Because that product is different from the other Ranunculus and they really like that in London.
It looked a little something like this (click on ‘continue reading’ for more pictures):

Have a look at our beautiful Ranunculus varieties on the product pages of the Ranunculus Butterfly™ and Ranunculus Romance™.
Feel free to contact us if you have questions about or are interested in one of these series!
- Monarch Flowers
M: +31 (0)224 590 173
E: - Gert-Jan Jungerius
M: +31 (0)6 28 90 68 99